Saturday, July 26, 2008

CIOS 110 Lesson 10 #2

WebDAV is one of those terms that I heard thrown around a lot at work before I actually found out what it was. I use something that is similar to WebDAV, as most of the University is migrating web sites to the Roxen CMS. So instead of focusing on WebDAV, I'm going to focus on Roxen and CMS in general.

CMS is a great way for people to get their fingers into the Internet. Starting with simple blogs and moving up to sites maintained via a program like Roxen, it really makes the web accessible for people. Web design can be intimidating, even using a program like Dreamweaver that gives you WYSIWYG design. It's just hard for people to understand unless they have the time to devote to studying it. With a CMS, those same people can log into a site and make changes to a web page without feeling like they're writing HTML code. They are usually familiar with filling out forms online, so they probably find it comfortable to enter a headline in one field and body text in another. Ta da!! A web page.

I've had to go through a lot of Roxen training at UAF, and I've seen people who seem to have difficulty doing ANYTHING on a computer start to get the hang of the program. It scares me to think of such technically-challenged people maintaining websites just because it's a part of their admin job, but at least with a CMS, I know they won't be accidentally deleting images or pages.

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