Thursday, May 8, 2008

CIOS 256 - Lesson 9

So we're not doing the group blog anymore, but this lesson exhorts me to keep up with the posting on my individual blog. Even better, it encourages me to write about anything at all, not necessarily class materials.

Well, let me introduce you to my real blog, aka blog posting central. You'll probably learn far more than you ever wanted to know about me. (In fact, you should definitely skip the entry that begins with all the "TMI ahead" warnings from last month.) But if you want blog posting, that's where I do it.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

CIOS 256 - Lesson 8

Hmmm, check some of the sites I regularly visit to see if they are CSS or XHTML? Man, it seems that the only thing I visit with any regularity are graphic design blogs. And those had better have some fancy designs.

Let's look at a basic site. This a coworker's personal page, as linked from our company website. Greg Newby is our chief scientist. His page is pretty simple and straightforward. One long page of text with center headers, text links and big letters for the start of each paragraph. But he does use a stylesheet, newby.css, to achieve all this.

A much fancier site I visit daily is the gossip site Jezebel. The page source for this looks MUCH more complex than Greg's page, but it still has stylesheet, or rather several of them, linked in the head of the document.