Tuesday, July 10, 2007

CIOS 256 Lesson 1: Introduction

And so another CIOS class starts. This is the exact reason why I decided against using my personal blog. I just don't think my mother on the East Coast is interested in reading my assignments.

I am taking CIOS for two reasons:
  1. It fulfills a requirement for the CIOS associate's degree
  2. I've been dabbling with Web design for a while (writing the HTML for my personal blog and using Dreamweaver to create Web sites for my dance troupe), but I realize it is something that can help advance my career as an editor and page designer.
I've put links in the right-hand column to my personal blog and to the Web site I created for my latest dance troupe, Cold Fusion Tribal Dance. I'm tired of being self-taught in these things, and I look forward to the chance to actually learn some things from an instructor!

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